Referring Doctors

Our referring doctors benefit from Dr. Minton’s training in prosthodontics. His training was greatly focused on how to manage and appropriately stage the treatment of patients with complex oral conditions. Dr. Minton and our team also provide a leadership role in coordinating treatment between multiple dental specialists for your patients. We strive to build and maintain strong relationships with other specialists in the area to be able to provide seamless care between offices for your patients who need to see multiple professionals. When you refer patients to our office, the relationship you have with them stays the same. Working as partners with you to be an extension of your practice, we ensure that our patients and referring doctors receive the following benefits:

Treatment Coordination

We ensure a streamlined, professional experience for your patient.

Comprehensive Treatment Plan

We diagnose and develop comprehensive interdisciplinary treatment plans.


A patient report is sent to you after the initial consultation, as needed during, and at the completion of treatment. We do not want you to feel that you are in-the-dark with the treatment being completed on your patient.

Continuing Care Protocols

Patients are returned to you for continued routine care. We do not have a hygienist and have no desire to interfere with your relationship with your patient.